Special Election- Trustee

Those interested in running for this position must come to the union hall to place their name or the name of a qualified member during the first (3) regularly scheduled working days, January 2nd, 3rd and 6th during normal business hours 7AM – 4PM.
Members in good standing nominating themselves will sign an acceptance form and will be given a questionnaire that must be returned no later than two (2) scheduled working days from end of nominating period. Those nominating other members will be given acceptance/rejection forms along with a questionnaire and will be responsible to give this material to the proposed candidate.
Members in good standing nominating members other than themselves will be issued an acceptance/rejection form along with a questionnaire and will be responsible for transferring such materials to the proposed candidate to be received at the Union Hall an accordance with the above guidelines.
Any member who has been a steward or an alternate steward for at least one (1) year can run for this position as long as he/she is permanently working in the division.
Divisional Chief Steward elections will be held on Tuesday, January 28th, 2020.
Nominations must be in no later than 4PM January 6th. Acceptance forms and questionnaires must be returned to the Union Hall no later than 4PM January 8th.