To assure you receive the trade benefits you are entitled, you will need to sign up for a TRADE BRI (Benefit Rights Interview)
Due to COVID-19 the first few meetings will be virtual meetings via SKYPE.
Step 1) Sign up here – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RRTradeBRI
The Trade BRI will be held VIRTUALLY on Skype on Monday June 22nd, at 1:30pm.
Sign up above and you will get an invite via email within 48 hours. (If you don’t receive the email, check your Spam folder.)
Step 2) Fill out ONLY the highlighted sections of document, FORM 8-55 Print, sign, and get it to the Union Hall. This is how you will get your Trade Determination under Petition #93917. You must have a determination to use your trade benefits!
Step 3) Make sure you read over the Trade Handbook (UCP-11D)
Step 4) You will also need to PRINT and SIGN the UCP-11D form that states you have received and read the UCP-11D trade handbook (link above).
Step 5) Return the two signed FORMS (8-55 & UCP 11-D acknowledgment) to the UE 506 Union Hall PRIOR TO MEETING on June 22nd .
You must fill out the online SURVEY (Step 1, above) to get an INVITE to the Virtual TRADE BRI meeting. June 22, at 1:30pm. Make sure when you get the Invite via Email, that you check to see if you can use the SKYPE link either on your phone or computer PRIOR TO THE MEETING. The best way to do that…is before your virtual meeting. Check the link, and download the Skype APP or you can use the web browser link. It’s best to be able to “see” the presentation on the screen. More directions will be coming via email once you sign up above or HERE.
See you at your Virtual Trade BRI meeting on June 22nd at 1:30pm.
Important LINKS (if the links in the BLUE highlighted section above don’t work)
For additional information UE 506 website – http://uelocal506.com
*Form 855 – http://uelocal506.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/855-GE-Wabtec-5-20-2.pdf
*Trade Handbook – https://www.uc.pa.gov/Documents/UCP%20Forms/ucp-11D.pdf
*UCP 11-D form – http://uelocal506.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/UCP-11-d-FORM-WABTEC-1.pdf
For technical difficulties – email Bev at berapp@pa.gov
JUNE 4, 2020
1:30 PM
Go to http://uelocal506.com/http://uelocal506.com/tra-forms-pdf-downloads/ and download the pdf to print form. If you don’t have access to a computer or printer the forms will be available for pickup at the Union Hall. This is how you will get your Trade Determination under Petition # 93917
When: November 25, 2019, 9:00AM and December 9, 2019, 9:00 AM
Where: UE Local 506, 3923 Main Street
The Union has scheduled benefits meetings with Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, Rapid Response for November 25, 2019, at 9 AM and December 9, 2019 at 9 AM. Pennsylvania CareerLink, PA Unemployment and other agencies will provide Benefits Rights Interviews (BRI’s) for trade benefits and very important information on the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Benefit Rights Interviews (BRI’s) will are required to be eligible for Trade Benefits. Members who missed the November 11th, meeting are encouraged to attend the November 25th, meeting. Spouses are welcome to attend these meetings.