
These are difficult times, and we greatly appreciate your patience as we work through this crisis. As Wabtec continues production during the COVID-19 outbreak, we are doing what Unions were formed to do, even under the threat of a global pandemic: fight to improve working conditions. We are in unchartered waters, but we went to the Company to bargain the effects of the COVID-19 crisis and, this morning, the Executive Board approved an agreement through April 24, which we hope will provide some guidance for you. You can read the full agreement if you click on the link below this BULLETIN.
Although this agreement—like all negotiations—doesn’t offer all that we proposed, UE Locals 506 and 618 worked toward an agreement that ensures that our members have clearer guide rails during this period of great uncertainty. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Union’s position remains unchanged: Wabtec’s continued production of locomotives and parts that are not essential and necessary to keep our Nation’s railroads moving is beyond the spirit of Governor Wolf’s waiver and the Homeland Security directive on life-sustaining jobs critical to our Nations infrastructure.
To date, we have not received a response form the Governor. You can read our latest request to Governor Wolf if you click on the link below this BULLETIN on www.uelocal506.com. County Executive Kathy Dahlkemper and State Representative Ryan Bizzaro have acted—standing up for the health and welfare of our members, our families and our communities. If you get a chance, send them a note of thanks via your social media or email.
We understand the stress of this rapidly evolving public health crisis is real, but we must all do our best to support one another. If you or someone in your family are feeling anxious or overwhelmed by COVID-19 — you are not alone. It is okay to reach out for help. If you need someone to talk to, text PA to 741-741. It’s free, confidential and available 24/7.
The ability of Wabtec to provide proper safety measures may come down to supplies. If you are in an area and are running out of soap in the bathrooms, hand sanitizer, disinfectant or proper PPE immediately notify your supervisor and safety coordinator. Understand what you can do to stay safe by taking a minute to educate yourself about effective prevention methods—CLICK HERE https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/prevention.htmlhttps://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/prevention.html
To read the most up-to-the-minute available information regarding UC eligibility CLICK HERE: https://www.uc.pa.gov/Pages/covid19.aspxhttps://www.uc.pa.gov/Pages/covid19.aspx

Bulletin 3/20/20 COVID-19 UPDATE



The Union is waiting on Wabtec’s plan to comply with Governor Tom Wolf’s directive to close all non-life-sustaining businesses to prevent the spread of Covid -19. We appreciate everyone’s patience during these uncertain times. The Union will continue to provide updates and information as it becomes available. Please respect the situation and comply with the guidelines in place to ensure your family and our community stays safe and healthy. It is with great hope that everyone does their part to flatten the curve of Covid-19 from spreading so we can return to work as soon as possible. If you are not receiving the Unions text blasts and would like to please text 814-402-8602.Please continue to monitor uelocal506.com for updates.

Bulletin 3/18/20 COVID-19 UPDATE



It is impossible to think or talk about anything today outside of COVID-19. While we are all doing our part to limit the spread of the virus, we want you to know that we are on your side and we will continue to communicate with you as any new information becomes available. We are following the PA Department of Health @PAHealthDept on Twitter and @GovernorWolf on Facebook as the most direct source of factual, up-to-the-minute information, and encourage you to access these government resources.



We understand the stress that this rapidly evolving public health crisis is real, but we must all do our best to remain calm and follow the guidelines. If you or someone in your family are feeling anxious or overwhelmed by COVID-19 — you are not alone. It is okay to reach out for help. If you need someone to talk to, text PA to 741-741. It’s free, confidential and available 24/7.



Currently, the Erie Wabtec facility remains a low risk or what is classified as a “negligible” site. We continue to monitor this closely and will quickly communicate any change in status directly to you. As we see the number of positive tests increase across the region, we must all do our part to take the necessary precautions in preventing the spread of Covid-19.



Governor Wolf is taking decisive measures to prevent the Covid-19 virus from spreading including the closure of non-critical business on Tuesday, March 17, 2020. As you know, our industry is considered an essential service or sector identified by the government and will remain operational. The Governor is relying on businesses to follow all precautionary measures to mitigate the spread of Covid-19. As individuals, it is crucial that we all continue to do our part to protect ourselves, our families, and, by extension, our community.



With our members’ health in mind, the Executive Board discussed concerns that hand sanitizer is not available and considered all precautions that could be taken to support our members who are doing their part to limit the spread of COVID-19.



Yesterday, the lack of access to hand sanitizer was raised during the Wabtec “all hands” conference call. The company is addressing the issue. In the meantime, and per the CDC, washing your hands regularly is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself.


We encourage every employee to read and follow the CDC, OSHA and Pennsylvania Department of Health guidelines on how to protect yourself.





• Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 60 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.


• Cover coughs or sneezes with your elbow. Do not use your hands!


• Clean surfaces frequently, including countertops, light switches, cell phones, remotes, and other frequently touched items.


• Contain: if you are sick, stay home until you are feeling better.


• For more information go to











The discussions with the Executive board resulted in several additional measures that we think the company should consider to further mitigate exposure. We will request that the company implement the following during this public health crisis:


• T-low all non-essential employees and require anyone who can work from home to do so.


• Provide all employees with disinfectant spray and wipes and provide additional time to wipe down tools and machines at shift changes.


• Facilitate 6’0” of separation between employees.


• Schedule staggered breaks.


• Shift schedules to straight eight hours.


• Request volunteers to work over 3 shifts to reduce exposure.


• Implement rolling lack of works at 50% of the workforce.


NOTE: Effective March 13, 2020 -April 12, 2020 employees who call off at least one hour before their scheduled start time will not be assessed attendance points and will not be required to use their paid time off if they choose not to. In addition, if an employee is at work and needs to leave because they are ill the same will apply. As a reminder, the call-off number is (814)875-4000.

Bulletin 3/17/20



As the number of Coronavirus cases continues to surge the Union and Company are in daily contact discussing concerns and solutions. The Erie facility is considered low risk currently and will be monitored closely for a change in status. The Company has indicated that they are implementing measures to address the need to limit unnecessary contact and preventing the spread of the virus.

Some precaution’s that are being taken currently:

• Smaller groups for muster meetings.

• Staggering break time.

• No more than two people at break tables, eating outside common areas.

• Increased GEI cleaning schedules for the facility and shared equipment

You should follow these precautions to help prevent the spread:

• Stay home if you are sick. If you are sick call Lincoln Financial at

1-844-829-5509 to open a short-term disability claim.
NOTE: Effective March 13, 2020 -April 12, 2020 employees who call off at least one hour before their scheduled start time will not be assessed attendance points and will not be required to use their paid time off if they choose not to. In addition, if an employee is at work and needs to leave because they are ill the same will apply. As a reminder the call-off number is (814)875-4000.

• If people are visibly sick, they are being directed to see their doctors.

• If people are feeling ill, and have any of these symptoms’ coughs, shortness of breath or fever they should call (814)875-2034 before entering the Medical Center. One of the staff will meet you at the door

• Stop Shaking hands when saying hello or greeting other people.

• Distance Yourself at least 6 feet away from others as much as possible. There should be no more than 2 people per lunch table to maintain a 6-foot distance.
• Reduce social interaction.

• Stay In your designated work area to limit interaction.

• Wash Your hands often with soap and water for at least 60 seconds.

• Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer prior to entering break rooms to avoid contamination.

• Disinfect your cell phone and PPE on a regular basis

• Cover Your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow/sleeve when coughing or

• Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. Clean Disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

The company has created a coronavirus website to keep employees informed. Employees who don’t have Wabtec Email can access the site by using the email Wabtecuser@watec.com and passwordWab@12345.
Please continue to monitor uelocal506.com for updates.