2014 Toy Drive a Huge Success

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The members of UE Local 506 have had a long standing practice of serving and giving back to the community year-round, and 2014 was no exception.  We ended the year with the annual Holiday Toy Drive which was able to benefit four Erie non-profits:
Community Services Fund
Martin Luther King Center
Erie Home for Children
Union City Children Support

Thanks to the members of UE Local 506 we were able to help ensure that local families and their children had a memorable Holiday.
Toys and monetary donations were distributed on Friday December 12, 2014.
Thanks to all the members who helped to make this year’s event one of the best to date!
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Pictured above are Local 506 Officers & Members and IFPTE Local 138 Erie GE
along with representatives from each organization who benefited from our drive.

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Toy Drive

UE Local 506 Toy Drive
November 15th – December 12th
We are collecting toys and monetary contributions for our Annual Toy Drive. You can give contributions to your Union Steward, Chief Steward or at the Union Hall.